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108th Jayanti year of Pujya Gurudev
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Join us for a weekly book study group  starting from May 17 on "The Woman Seeker" with a vision to learn about the lives of illustrious women, Saints of Bharat, Jivan Muktas and Siddha Purushas.

Through Study and Reflection, We transform from the seeker in to the sought.

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What is the VISION ?

  • Learn about the lives of the illustrious Women Saints of Bharat, jivanmuktas and siddha purushas

Through study and reflection, we transform from the seeker into the SOUGHT

What are the GUIDELINES: Keys to healthy discussion in the study group?

Discussion is supposed to be fun, engaging and enlightening!

  1. Listen first, think and only then see if there’s something you can add to the discussion. 
  2. Utilize Discuss questionsbased on and rooted in the text itself 
    1. Refer back to the text and try to understand what has been said 
    2. Avoid straying outside of the text into other topics 
  3. Avoid overly long/meandering discussions
    1. Try to stay on topic— don’t stray into matters that are not related to the subject at hand
    2. Note down any questionsthat have been raised, but are not getting resolved. 
      1. Moderator can note down, and either ask Shubhani ji & Akalka ji
      2. They can be answered at a later time in Q & A format with Shubhani ji and/or Akalka ji

Be mindful, discussion should not be overpowered by any single person, so try to speak our idea/comment succinctly and if we have spoken a few times, give others a chance  



  • A moderator gently guides the discussion, helps group pause & ask questions, encourages participation and keeps discussion on track (not to ‘teach’ but facilitate discussion)
  • Pause at key places to ask a question, reflect and to give a breather while reading
    • Note key linesin text- discuss their import or meaning, and how they connect to ideas from Vedanta, Srimad Bhagavad Gita, scriptures etc. 

If there is a key example — what does this example mean and why was it given?

  • After every couple pages/when you complete a section/after a strong paragraph ask:
    • What is the main idea of the page /para/section we just read?

For more details, please contact: Lakshmi Prakash ji (51O-378-1264) or email: office [at] chinmayaorlando.org